SCH Number 2019011009

Project Info

ENV17-0007 and PHG17-0025 (Escondido Assisted Living)
Note: Review Per Lead The project requires discretionary approval of a proposed CUP to allow development of a residential care facility within a single-family residential zone; Grading exemption(s) for retaining walls in excess of 10 ft in height; and a GPA to allow structures up to 3 stories in height within the R-1-10 zone (single family residential, up to 10,000 sf min lot size). The draft IS/MND provides a preliminary assessment of the environmental impacts of the proposed new 3-story (median height of 34'5"), approx 71,316 sf, assisted living/senior care facility to include 22 memory care and 74 assisted living units (totaling 96 beds) and 45 parking spaces, including one van and one accessible space. Access to the project would be provided by a single driveway fronting onto Centre City Parkway on the west side of the subject property. Centre City Parkway is proposed to be widened across the project frontage to provide a transition lane for ingress and egress into the site. The existing creek along the eastern boundary of the proposed development area is proposed to be retained and preserved as a project feature.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Escondido "Escondido Assisted Living" (PHG17-0025 and ENV17-0007)
City of Escondido ENV17-0007 and PHG17-0025 (Escondido Assisted Living)