SCH Number 2018121035

Project Info

Brea 265 Specific Plan
Development of a master planned residential community of 450 low- and 650 medium-density units for a total of 1,100 units with an overall average density of 4.2 dwelling units per acre. The development would also include parks, recreational amenities, and open space linked together by an extensive trail network.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Brea Brea 265 (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS-ORA-29010-R5)
City of Brea Brea 265 Specific Plan
City of Brea Brea 265 Specific Plan
City of Brea Brea 265 Specific Plan
City of Brea Brea 265 Specific Plan