SCH Number 2018111048
Project Info
- Title
- Peoples' Self Help Housing Cambria Pines Development Plans /Coastal Development Permit
- Description
- Request by Peoples' Self Help Housing for a Development Plan/Coastal Development Permit to allow the construction of 33 apartments in seven buildings with a total floor area of 34,850 sf, a community services building of 2,880 sf, and related site improvements. The applicant is seeking a modification to the required front and side setbacks as well as a height exception for one building pursuant to the State Density Bonus Law (65915(d)(2)). The proposal would disturb approx 2.04 acres of a 5.88-acre parcel in the Residential Multi-family land use category. The project is located on the east side of Schoolhouse Lane across from Santa Lucia MS, approx 0.65-mi north of the hwy 1/Main St intersection, in the community of Cambria. The project is in the North Coast planning area.
2 documents in project