SCH Number 2018102020

Project Info

San Francisco State University Proposed Master Plan
Note: Extended review per lead The project consists of the proposed San Francisco State University Master Plan, including project design features drawn from the pending Future State 2035 report. The project would include a net increase of approx 4.7 M GSF of new and renovated building space, including space for academic, student life and support, student housing, apartments for affiliates and non-affiliates, shared uses, administration, service centers, student recreation, athletics, and parking. Additionally, outdoor athletics and recreation space is planned. Growth anticipated in the Master Plan will be evaluated at a program level.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Jose Withdrawn - Refer to SCH# 2018122051
California State University, San Francisco (SFSU) San Francisco State University Proposed Master Plan