SCH Number 2018102019

Project Info

Urban Tilth North Richmond Farm
The applicant is requesting approval of a tree permit to remove 19 trees and to work within the dripline of 8 other trees for the purposes of establishing the second phase of the Urban Tilth farm which consists of the following: 1) commercial kitchen; 2) farm stand; 3) cafe; 4) egg farm/bee hives; 5) installation of utilities; 6) 1,240 cy of cut and fill; 7) import of 3,890 cy of soil for raised planting bed soil amendment; 8) up to 6 special events per year; 9) signage; 10) amphitheater; 11) office building; 12) Creekside classroom; 13) greenhouses; 14) security office; 15) utilities; 16) installation of a well/water storage bank; 17) multi-purpose building; 18) agricultural co-op incubator space (partner with farms to provide broader selection of food crops and commercial kitchen); 19) associated educational programs.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Contra Costa County North Richmond Watershed Connections - Urban Tilth Farm Rain Gardens and Bloswales
California Department of Conservation (DOC) Urban Tilth North Richmond Farm