SCH Number 2018061060

Project Info

Paradise Camp Dump Site Remediation Project
LADWP proposes to implement a remediation project for the former Paradise Dump Site located in Mono County, CA. The goals of the remediation project are to stabilize existing wastes, reduce existing and future exposure risks, and minimize the potential for future illegal waste disposal at the site. Remediation would include removing CA hazardous waste at the western portion of the site, separating and recycling surface and near surface wastes, consolidating remaining non-hazardous and non-recyclable wastes, and installing waste covers. Once remediation is complete and the site is regraded, vegetation will be restored via broadcasting and imprinting a combination of annual and perennial native plant species.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Paradise Camp Dump Site Remediation Project
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Paradise Camp Dump Site Remediation Project