SCH Number 2018052045

Project Info

Amáre Apartment Homes Project
The proposed project would involve the construction of six buildings that would include 104 one bedroom/one-bathroom residential units and 79 two bedroom/two bathroom units, for a total of 183 rental residential units. In addition, the proposed apartment complex would include on-site amenities such as a workout facility, business center, children’s play area, outdoor kitchen area, and parking areas. Three of the buildings, Buildings 1, 2, and 4, would be three stories and up to 35 feet, 2 inches above adjacent grade. The other three buildings, Buildings 3, 5, and 6, would be four stories and up to 44 feet, 2 inches above adjacent grade. With the approval of a density bonus, design review permit, height concession, and waivers/reductions of applicable City development standards that would physically preclude project construction (regarding hillside density, building separation, parking stall depths, rear building setback, drive aisle width, height exception, and parking lot landscaping), the proposed development would be consistent with the site's General Plan land use designation and zoning of Mixed Residential/Office and Mixed Use District: Multi-Family Residential/Professional and Administrative Offices respectively.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Martinez Amáre Apartment Homes Project
City of Martinez Amáre Apartment Homes Project
City of Martinez Amáre Apartment Homes Project
City of Martinez Amare Apartment Homes