SCH Number 2018051049

Project Info

Owens River Water Trail
Inyo County is proposing to implement the Owens River Water Trail Project within the perimeter of the Lower Owens River floodplain from Lone Pine Narrow Gauge Road south to Highway 136, just east of Lone Pine, California. The project area is largely a natural setting and is owned by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. The site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites. Implementation of the Project would allow recreational access for non-motorized watercraft to an approximately 6.3-mile segment of the Owens River. The project would develop facilities for recreational users to enter and exit the river and allow unimpeded navigation for non-motorized watercraft. The project would involve removal of emergent vegetation and excavation with in the river channel to remove occlusions. In addition, boat launch and take-out facilities that would provide limited amenities (i.e., vault restroom) in addition to access to the river, would be developed. The County would provide ongoing maintenance of the water trail.
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Inyo County Owens River Water Trail
Inyo County Owens River Water Trail Project