SCH Number 2018051022
Project Info
- Title
- Los Padres Dam Gravel Augmentation Program
- Description
- Up to 1,500 tons of gravel will be repeatedly placed in the channel of the Carmel River at Los Padres Dam. As gravel is washed downstream, the Project would be repeated for up to four times over a ten year period. The Los Padres Dam has been a known fish passage impediment for both upstream and downstream migrating South-Central California Coast steelhead as well as impacting the downstream habitat by blocking the natural sediment supply. In January 2018, the National Marine Fisheries Service and CA America Water, the dam owner, signed a Memo of Agreement that included a requirement that Cal-Am carry out gravel augmentation at Los Padres Dam to improve steelhead spawning habitat downstream of the dam.
2 documents in project