SCH Number 2018041029

Project Info

Chino Airport Groundwater Remedial Project
The county is proposing the implementation of a remedial action plan for groundwater contamination at and in the vicinity of the Chino Airport. The Airport lies within the city of Chino and is bounded by Merrill Ave to the north, Kimball Ave to the south, Euclid Ave to the west, and Grove Ave to the east. The proposed project would include actions to begin remediation of two groundwater plumes referred to as the East Plum and West Plume. The West Plume extends from the airport to the south-southwest, terminating downgradient, about 2.2 miles from the primary source area. The East Plume is contained within the airport and extends south/southwest approx 0.6 miles. Remedial action efforts would include a total of 10 proposed extraction well clusters, approx 28,000 lf of pipeline and one or two groundwater treatment systems.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Bernardino County Chino Airport Groundwater Remedial Project - AP20170101
San Bernardino County Notice of Determination for Chino Airport Groundwater Remedial Project
San Bernardino County Chino Airport Groundwater Remedial Project