SCH Number 2018038331

Project Info

Removal Action Workplan for Former Pacifica Chemical Inc
The project is approval of a Removal Action Workplan to conduct soil vapor extraction (SVE) combined with enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) to remediate and mitigate volatile organic compunds in subsurface soil and groundwater. This will limit the down-gradient migration of VOCs in groundwater while also preventing vapor intrusion into on-site and adjacent off-site structures. Performance monitoring will take place during this project to monitor the effectiveness of the removal action. Upon completion of removal action, a Lane Use Covenant (LUC) will be recorded to prohibit residential use and prevent the use of groundwater for drinking or irrigation. The remedy presented reduces the human health-based risk assessments to an acceptable standard for commercial use.
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1 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan for Former Pacifica Chemical Inc