SCH Number 2018038329

Project Info

D.L. Bliss Potable Well Installation
Install a new potable well and all associated well infrastructure at D.L. Bliss State Park to provide adequate potable water for park visitors and staff. Drill one 650' deep test hole to confirm an adequate water supply at the chosen well site. Install one new potable water well, one tall wooden building on a cement pad to protect the well head, one new 5,000 gallon plastic raw water storage tank and one new fire hydrant near the well and water tank. Upgrade the existing single phase. Install new water, eletrical, and telemetry conduit in excavated trenches between new well and existing water treatment facility. fill trenhes with sand, backfill with original soil and compact to grade.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation D.L. Bliss Potable Well Installation