SCH Number 2018038256
Project Info
- Title
- Childs Meadow Fuel Reduction and Foresy Resiliency Project - Timber Harvest Plan
- Description
- The Sierra Nevada Conservancy would provide funding in the amount of $75,000 to the Resource Conservation District of Tehama County for management and preparation of a CALFIRE approved Timber Harves Plan for two adjacent properties that contain both forest lands and portions of the Childs Meadow complex. Specific actions include resource surveys, specialist reports, drone footage and GIS mapping and preparation/review/approval of the THP. Once completed, the THP will meet all requirements of the california Forest Practices Act and would be a CEQA-equivalent document. The THP will describe future vegetation treatments, including timber harvest, to be conducted to improve forest and meadow conditions including those required by anadromous fish specied, the great grey owl, and other listed species that inhabit a high elevation meadow complex with dry and wet meadow along with adjacent upland areas.
1 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOE | Sierra Nevada Conservancy | Childs Meadow Fuel Reduction and Forest Resiliency Project - Timber Harvest Plan |