SCH Number 2018031077

Project Info

Neighborhoods of Willow Creek and Hidden Canyon (Key Site 21) Residential Subdivision Project
The proposed project is a request by Orcutt Rancho, LLC, for approval of the Neighborhoods of Willow Creek and Hidden Canyon (Key Site 21) Project, located on a portion of Key Site 21 in the OCP area. The proposed project involves a Specific Plan, two Vesting Tentative Tract Maps, two final Development Plans, two Minor Conditional Use Permits, Road Naming Application, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment entitlements to subdivide two existing parcels of approximately 107 gross acres and 70 gross acres into 148 lots for the development of 146 single-family residences. Approximately 96.7 acres (51%) of the site is proposed as undisturbed open space. The Specific Plan area also includes approximately 29.8 acres of privately managed open space that includes landscape, trailhead, trails, and fuel modification areas. The property is identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 113-250-015, -016, -017.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Barbara County Neighborhoods of Willow Creek and Hidden Canyon (Key Site 21) Residential Subdivision Project
Santa Barbara County The Neighborhoods of Willow Creek and Hidden Canyon (Key Site 21)
Santa Barbara County The Neighborhoods of Willow Creek & Hidden Canyon (Key Site 21)