SCH Number 2018021016

Project Info

Base Line Bridge Replacement Project
The purpose of the proposed project is to replace the existing bridge and eliminate the low-water crossing over City Creek, replacing it with a raised bridge with adequate clearance for the creek to flow underneath and to maintain safe access through the project area on a roadway that meets adopted city standards. Upstream of Base Line, during normal flow conditions, flows are contained within "piled-up" channel side slopes and pass under the existing bridge structure. However, during major flood events, breaches have been observed and documented at multiple locations in the "piled-up" channel side slopes. As a result of these breaches, flows are diverted to the low-water crossing where the existing box culvert is inadequate to convey such large flows. Consequently, the flows overtop the roadway. Major storms in Dec. 2010 resulted in significant flows within the City Creek, resulting in the overtopping of a number of roadways and culverts within the City. The replacement bridge will include a 95.5 foot curb-to-curb roadway (including a 16-foot median and 5 foot dedicated pedestrian path on each side), within a 160-foot City right-of-way. Other miscellaneous improvements include channel grading in City Creek to divert flows under the new bridge, the construction of street improvements including utility construction, pavement widening, bike lanes, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting and the relocation of utilities as needed.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Highland Base Line Bridge Geotechnical Investigation Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2022-003-06 (ITP) Amendment 1)
City of Highland Base Line Bridge Geotechnical Investigation Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2022-003-06)
City of Highland Base Line Bridge Replacement Project
City of Highland Base Line Bridge Replacement Project