SCH Number 201802

Project Info

In Trust for James R. Lugo, a member of the Morongo Band of Mission Indians, CA - APN: 514-200-012
All that certain real property situated in the county of Riverside, State of CA. The Southeast quarter of Lot 114, section 31, T 2S, R 2E, San Bernardino Base and meridian shown by Plats showing the subdivision for Allotments within the Morongo Indian Reservation.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs In Trust for James R. Lugo, a member of the Morongo Band of Mission Indians, CA - APN: 514-200-012
United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs In Trust for James R. Lugo, a member of the Morongo Band of Mission Indians, CA - APN: 514-200-012