SCH Number 2018012041

Project Info

Niles Gateway Mixed Use
The Niles Gateway Mixed Use project proposes a GPA to change the LUD and rezone a vacant 6.07-acre industrial parcel to enable development of 95 residential units (82 townhomes and 13 creative-retail-artist-flex-tenancy units) and 7,333 sf of non-residential uses consisting of 5,883 sf of retail/restaurant uses and 1,450 sf of community space. The GPA would change the LUD from service industrial to town center and medium density residential and the rezoning would change the zoning designation from service industrial with an historical overlay district to planned district P-2014-0338. A vesting tentative tract map, private streets, preliminary grading plan and tree removal permit are also proposed.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fremont Niles Gateway
City of Fremont Niles Gateway Mixed Use
City of Fremont Niles Gateway Mixed Use