SCH Number 2017128262

Project Info

Burney Water System Improvement Project
A Revised Notice of Exemption has been prepared to amend the previously approved project to add improvements to the existing booster pump station (installing a new antenna tower and emergency backup diesel generator, and upgrading and retrofitting the building); improvements to three existing water storage tanks (upgrading existing antennas, control panels, and the programmable logic controller); improvements to three existing wells (new piping, pumps, motors, valves, well level transmitters, chlorination facilities, and intrusion alarms); general improvements to existing well houses (e.g., windows, doors, siding, roofing, fencing, etc.); and upgrading the water system's obsolete SCADA hardware component. Well 8 is currently powered by PG&E with a back-up natural gas engine that needs to be upgraded. If upgraded, the natural gas engine would serve as a secondary source of power for Well 8. Alternatively, Well 8 may be connected to the emergency backup generator to be used for the other two wells. If this alternative is selected, the existing natural gas engine and all related equipment would be demolished. These improvements are in addition to the improvements identified in the original project.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
State Water Resources Control Board Burney Water System Improvement Project
Burney Water District Burney Water System Improvement Project
Burney Water District Burney Water System Improvement Project