SCH Number 2017121047

Project Info

1045 Olive Project
The 1045 Olive Project (Project) involves the construction & operation of a 70-story mixed-use high-rise development, with up to 751,777 square feet (sf) of floor area on a 0.96-acre site. The Project would include up to 794 residential units, 12,504 sf of ground-floor commercial (restaurant/retail) uses, a ground-floor public plaza, and residential open space amenities. A 61-story residential tower would sit atop a nine-level podium structure, with a total building height of up to 810 feet. Eight above-ground levels of automobile parking would be located within the nine-level podium structure and would be partially wrapped with residential units. The Project would have six subterranean levels of parking (depth of 64 feet) and would require the excavation and export of approximately 80,520 cubic yards of soil. Five existing single-story commercial buildings containing 35,651 sf of floor area would be removed from the Project Site. The Project is a certified ELDP.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles 1045 Olive Project
City of Los Angeles 1045 Olive Street Project
City of Los Angeles 1045 Olive Street Project