SCH Number 2017121031
Project Info
- Title
- Famoso Basin Pipeline Project
- Description
- Cawelo Water District is installing a 1.8 mile long, 36-inch diameter, bi-directional, intertie pipeline to replace the use of 2.4 miles of unlined canals. The bi-directional pipeline would connect to the Friant-Kern Canal approx. a half mile south of SR 46, and run 1.8 miles in an easterly direction within an existing dirt road until it reaches the Lerdo Canal, where it would cross the Canal and continue within an existing dirt road to reach Hwy 99, south bound. The pipe would cross underneath the north and south bound lanes of Hwy 99 and Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Burlington North Rail line to reach the District's Pump Station and Reservoir D.
3 documents in project