SCH Number 2017111072
Project Info
- Title
- Puente Valley Operable Unit, Intermediate Zone Interim Remedy Project
- Description
- The proposed project is comprised of the extraction and treatment of groundwater and conveyance to La Puente Valley County Water District for potable end use in conformance with applicable permits. The project consists of utilizing six existing groundwater extraction wells (IZ-East, IZ-1, IZ-2, MZ-1, MZ-2 and MZ-3); installation of one additional groundwater extraction well, IZ-West (proposed to be located in a landscape island within the parking lot of PRL Glass at 13658 Nelson Ave, city of Industry); a proposed treatment plant; conveyance infrastructure (to link the existing conveyance pipeline with the new water treatment plant); minor water system improvements downstream of the treatment plant and compliance, sentinel, and monitoring wells.
2 documents in project