SCH Number 2017102010
Project Info
- Title
- PA-0700255 (TE)
- Description
- Six-Year Time Extension application for a previously Minor Subdivision Application No. PA-0700255 of S.T.A.N.D. to divide on parcel into three parcels. Parcel One to contain 7,809 sq. ft. Parcel Two and Three to contain 7,000 sq. ft. The property is zoned R-L (Low Density Residential) and the General Plan designation is R/L (Low Density Residential). The project site is located on the north side of Michael Ave., 460 feet east of B Street, southeast of Stockton (APN/Address: 177-240-08/2067 East Michael Ave., Stockton) (Supervisorial District 1).
2 documents in project