SCH Number 2017082064

Project Info

City of Etna Public Water System Improvement Project
The original project addressed improvements to the City of Etna’s Water Treatment Plant (WTP), including installing ±350 feet of 8- and 12-inch pipeline, and constructing a new ±200,000-gallon water tank, ±382 square-foot filtration building, and a ±1,500 square-foot backwash pond. To date, the water tank has been constructed using Community Development Block Grant funding. The City is now proposing to complete the remaining WTP improvements with revisions and to complete additional improvements to the City’s water distribution system; these revisions and additional improvements are addressed in the Addendum. Revisions to the WTP improvements include increasing the size of the new filtration building and converting Reservoir 1 to backwash storage instead of constructing a new backwash pond. Other improvements at the WTP include remodeling the existing WTP building, installing a new 138,000-gallon water tank, installing a new sewer main for backwash discharge, installing a new backup generator, updating the SCADA system, and installing a solar photovoltaic system. Additional improvements to the water system include replacing ±408 water meters throughout the City; upsizing and replacing ±1,076 linear feet of waterlines; and installing ±1,364 linear feet of new water mains to close loops in the system.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Etna City of Etna Public Water System Improvement Project
City of Etna City of Etna Public Water System Improvement Project
City of Etna City of Etna 16-CDBG-11138 Public Water System Improvement Project