SCH Number 2017082037

Project Info

Bryte Landfill Remediation Project
Acquire a portion of the real property located at 21788 County Rd. 124, West Sacramento, CA 95991 (Assesor's parcel Number 042-340-004), for the Bryte Landfill Remediation project. Acqusition of the property is necessary because the property is contiguous to the Old Byrte Landfill and will provide a site for the Corrective Action Management Unit, which will safely contain waste removed from the landfill.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Bryte Landfill Remediation Project
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Land Acquisition to Implement Byrte Landfill Remediation project
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Bryte Landfill Remediation Project
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Bryte Landfill Remediation Project
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Bryte Landfill Remediation Project
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Bryte Landfill Remediation Project