SCH Number 2017082020

Project Info

Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project
The Proposed Project occurs primarily in the southeastern portion of Santa Clara County, California and includes construction and operation of a new dam and expanded reservoir, conveyance facilities, and related miscellaneous infrastructure (e.g., access roads and electrical transmission lines), and decommissioning of the existing North Fork Dam. The new dam and expanded reservoir would be located on North Fork Pacheco Creek, upstream from the existing North Fork Dam, and would inundate the upstream portion of the existing Pacheco Reservoir in addition to other areas. Water would be collected in the expanded reservoir during the winter months from local watershed runoff, and from Central Valley Project (CVP) supplies from San Luis Reservoir via the Pacheco Conduit, as available. The project would increase water supply reliability and system operational flexibility to help meet municipal and industrial and agricultural water demands in Santa Clara and San Benito Counties during drought periods and emergencies, or to address shortages due to regulatory and environmental restrictions. The Project would also increase suitable habitat in Pacheco Creek for federally threatened South-Central California Coast steelhead.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Clara Valley Water District Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project
Santa Clara Valley Water District Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project