SCH Number 2017082001

Project Info

Restoration of Priority Freshwater Wetlands for Endangered Species at the Consumnes River Preserve
The Central Valley RWQCB is issuing a 401 Water Quality Certification for the subject Project. The project includes 110-acres of habitat restoration at the Horseshoe Lake Unit within the Cosumnes River Preserve. Approx. 30 acres of perennial and seasonal wetland habitat will be restored by removing invasive Uroguayan water primrose and biomass. In addition, the surrounding 80-acres will be treated with herbicides in phases to reduce the remaining primrose to beneficial levels. No dewatering will occur in the Project area and no wet concrete will be placed into wetland habitat.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sacramento County Freshwater Wetlands for Endangered Species at the Cosumnes River Preserve
Sacramento County Restoration of Priority Freshwater Wetlands for Endangered Species at the Consumnes River Preserve (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0421-R2
Sacramento County Restoration of Priority Freshwater Wetlands for Endangered Species at the Consumnes River Preserve
Sacramento County Restoration of Priority Freshwater Wetlands for Endangered Species at the Consumnes River Preserve
Sacramento County Restoration of Priority Freshwater Wetlands for Endangered Species at the Consumnes River Preserve