SCH Number 2017081031
Project Info
- Title
- Proposed Amended Rule 1168 – Adhesives and Sealant Applications
- Description
- PAR 1168 proposes to: 1) prohibit the use of parachlorobenzotrifluoride (pCBtF) and tertiary-Butyl Acetate (t-BAc) due to toxicity concerns; 2) delay the effective dates of volatile organic compound (VOC) emission limits or maintain the existing VOC emission limits for certain categories of adhesives and sealants; 3) create additional subcategories of regulated products to better characterize and refine VOC emission limits; and 4) update and clarify rule language. PAR 1168 is expected to cause delayed and permanent foregone VOC emission reductions of 0.12 ton per day (tpd) and 0.28 tpd, respectively, due to extending the effective dates and maintaining the existing VOC limits for certain categories of regulated products. The Draft SEA concluded that significant and unavoidable adverse environmental impacts may occur for air quality during operation. No other significant adverse impacts were identified. Products subject to PAR 1168 may be used at facilities and other locations within the South Coast AQMD’s Jurisdiction that may be identified on lists compiled by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control per Government Code Section 65962.5. However, the implementation of PAR 1168 will not alter the status of the facilities and other locations on the lists.
2 documents in project