SCH Number 2017072053

Project Info

Daly City Expanded Tertiary Recycled Water Project
The City is located in northern San Mateo County, adjacent to the City and County of San Francisco, on the Pacific Ocean and just minutes away from SF Bay. The City, through its subsidiary, the San Mateo County Sanitation District (District) operates an existing tertiary treatment facility with a permitted capacity of 2.77 million gallons per day (mgd). This Proposed Project would add a new tertiary treatment process to provide an additional 3.0 mgd of tertiary treatment capacity during the irrigation season. The average yearly capacity of the system is 1.25 mgd or 1,400 acre-feet per year (afy) because the system will only operate during the irrigation season. The new treatment processes would include pressure membrane filtration followed by ultraviolet (UV) disinfection due to the small site constraints. New pipelines, pump stations and offsite storage would be constructed to complete the recycled water distribution system, delivering water to new customers for irrigation purposes in lieu of groundwater pumping. The purpose of the proposed project is to reduce irrigation reliance on the groundwater basin; provide local, sustainable, and drought-proof water supply; to preserve available groundwater supplies for drinking water.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Daly City Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Daly City Expanded Tertiary Recycled Water Project
City of Daly City Daly City Expanded Tertiary Recycled Water Project