SCH Number 2017072019

Project Info

Broadway Bridge Project
The City of West Sacramento, in cooperation with the City of Sacramento and Caltrans, proposes to construct a new bridge over the Sacramento River downstream of the U.S. 50 Pioneer Bridge, connecting South River Road or 15th Street in West Sacramento and the Broadway corridor in Sacramento. Two bridge alignment alternatives were considered. Alternative B was identified as the preferred alternative. The new bridge will be movable to allow boat passage, will carry vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic, and will accommodate future transit options. The project also includes installation of a bridge interconnect fiber optic line to allow the new bridge, and I Street and Tower Bridges, to be operated by one system.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, District 3 (DOT) Broadway Bridge Project
City of West Sacramento Broadway Bridge Project (T15155300)
City of West Sacramento Broadway Bridge Project
City of West Sacramento Broadway Bridge Project Final Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact
City of West Sacramento Broadway Bridge Project
City of West Sacramento Broadway Bridge Project