SCH Number 2017071021

Project Info

Seaside General Plan Update 2040
Seaside 2040 is a comprehensive update of the City’s 2004 General Plan and established the community’s vision for future development of the City through 2040. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65302, the State of California requires that General Plans contain specific elements, including Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Open Space, Noise, Safety, and Environmental Justice. As part of the general plan process, Seaside 2040 has been reorganized and reformatted, with updated goals and policies that reflect the community vision of Seaside. The City’s General Plan Land Use Map has also been updated to reflect the community’s vision and guiding principles that thread through Seaside 2040.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Seaside Seaside General Plan Update 2040
City of Seaside Seaside General Plan Update 2040
City of Seaside Seaside General Plan, "Seaside 2040"