SCH Number 2017051078

Project Info

Bonsall High School Project
The 48.9 acre project site is located within the unincorporated community of Bonsall in the north-central portion of San Diego County. The project is located within APN 124-340-3400 approx 0.4-mi north of the intersection of SR 76 and Gird Rd. Specifically, the project is located in an unsectioned portion of T 10S, R3W, on the Bonsall USGS 7.5-min topographic quadrangle. The proposed project is the construction of a new high school for grades 9-12 with a max enrollment of 1,500 students, 60 staff. The project would provide approx 150,500 sf of building floor area and approx 21.4 acres of recreational fields, parking, and landscape/hardscape on the 48.9 acre site. The proposed buildings include permanent classrooms, administrative offices, media centers, and gym. The project would also include recreational fields and facilities for community use after school hours, weekends, and holidays. Horticultural plantings could be incorporated into the landscaped areas.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Bonsall Unified School District (BUSD) Bonsall High School Project
Bonsall Unified School District (BUSD) Bonsall High School Project