SCH Number 2017051046

Project Info

Proposed Amended Rule 1466 - Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants
Note: Draft Subsequent Environmental Assessment SCAQMD staff is proposing to amend Rule 1466 - control of particulate emissions from soils with toxic air contaminants, to address the governing board's resolution directing staff to expand the list of applicable toxic air contaminants. If adopted, PAR 1466 would: 1) expand the list of applicable toxic air contaminants to include pesticides, herbicides, and persistent bio-cumulative toxics; 2) expand applicably to other government designated sites; and 3) include language to clarify existing provisions. Some sites that may be affected by PAR 1466 have been designated as cleanup sites on lists compiled by the US Environmental Protection Agency, the DTSC, CA Environmental Protection Agency's SWRCB or RWQCB, and other county, local, or state regulatory agencies. While including additional toxic air contaminants will be expected to create an environmental benefit, the activities that site operators may undertake to comply with PAR 1466 may also create secondary adverse environmental impacts. However, analysis of PAR 1466 in the Draft SEA did not result in the identification of any environmental topic areas that would be significantly adversely affected. Some sites affected by PAR 1466 may be identified on lists compiled by the DTSC per Gov Code section 65962.5.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Amended Rule 1466 - Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants
South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Rule 1466 - Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants