SCH Number 2017048006

Project Info

Burney Community Fuelbreak Phase III
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE), in cooperation with private landowners, is planning a 135 acre shaded fuelbreak west of the community of Burney, CA. The Burney Community Fuelbreak Phase III is approximately 3 miles long, approximately 300' wide fuels reduction project on mixed conifer timberlands mangaed for timber production. Fuels reduction will focus on increasing understory discontinuity, and removal of ladder fuels. Activities covered by this project utilize hand crews to reduce fuels, and is not intended to cover or limit the landowner management activities. Burney Community Fuelbreak Phase III runs west and north on Goose Valley Road and Hwy 299E from the 2016 Burney Community Fuelbreak along Jack Rabbit Flat Road. Project fuels reduction and vegetation treatments consist of the reduction and/or rearrangement of vertical and horizontal fuels through the methods of hand cutting, cut/haul offsite, cut/pile/chip, cut/pile/burn, and lop and scatter.
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California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Burney Community Fuelbreak Phase III