SCH Number 2017042066

Project Info

Southeast Greenway General Plan Amendment and Rezoning Project
Note: Revised Draft EIR The 57-acre project site follows a 1.9-mile linear path from Farmers Lane and Hwy 12 to Spring Lake Regional Park in southeast Santa Rosa. The project involves a General Plan and Zoning amendment to allow for future development of parks and open space, school facilities, community gathering space, neighborhood retail/commercial, and housing within the project site; no construction is proposed. The project includes a Land Use Concept plan that frames the type and scale of development on the project site, a Circulation Concept plan that structures multi-modal paths, crossings, and connections throughout the project site, and proposed land use policies that provide a framework for future development of the project area. The project would consist of up to 47.2 acres of parks and recreational uses, up to 244 multi family housing units, and 12,000 sq. ft. of commercial space.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway General Plan Amendment and Rezoning Project
City of Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway General Plan Amendment and Rezoning Project
City of Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway General Plan Amendment and Rezoning Project