SCH Number 2017041071

Project Info

670 Mesquit
RCS VE, LLC (the Applicant) proposes to construct a new mixed-use development totaling up to 1,792,103 square feet of floor area (the Project) on approximately 5.45 acres of land at 670 Mesquit Street (Project Site), along the southeastern edge of the Artists-in-Residence District within the Central City North Community Plan area of the City of Los Angeles (City). The Project would have a floor area ratio (FAR) of up to 7.5:1, and would consist of the following primary components: office space totaling up to 1,000,666 square feet; 420 multi-family residential housing units including 67 affordable units; a charter elementary school that would consist of 32,150 square feet of floor area, retail uses totaling up to 11,664 square feet of floor area, restaurant uses totaling up to 59,700 square feet of floor area, a 236-room hotel with 209,560 square feet of floor area, studio/event/gallery space totaling up to 44,069 square feet of floor area, and up to 52,424 square feet of gym floor area. The proposed uses would be accommodated in five new interconnected buildings above subterranean and podium parking that would range in height from 84 feet to 378 feet. The Project would provide a minimum of 2,000 traditional vehicle parking spaces, with parking for up to 3,500 vehicles using a combination of automated parking systems, valet parking, or other efficiency parking methods. In addition, the Project may include a Deck Concept (Project with the Deck Concept) that would involve construction of a 132,000 square foot Deck that would extend over a portion of the freight and passenger rail lines and rail yards (Railway Properties) east of the Project Site. Existing one- to four-story freezer, cold storage, and dry storage warehouses and surface parking would be demolished as part of this Project. Existing one- to four-story freezer, cold storage, and dry storage warehouses and surface parking would be demolished as part of this Project.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles 670 Mesquit
City of Los Angeles 670 Mesquit
City of Los Angeles 670 Mesquit
City of Los Angeles 670 Mesquit