SCH Number 2017041065

Project Info

OASIS Center; Case Nos. 14GPA-00000-00020, 16RMM-00000-00001, 16LLA-00000-00004, 16CUP-00000-00006, 16DVP-00000-00002/17CUP-00000-00013, 18GOV-00000-00005
Note: Refer to Notice of Preparation for full description. Hearing on the request of Laurie Tamura, agent representing OASIS, to consider the following applications to allow for the construction of a new OASIS Meeting Center.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Barbara County OASIS Senor Meeting Center: Case Nos. 14GPA-00000-00020, 16RMM-00000-00001, 16LLA-00000-00004, 16CUP-00000-00006. 16DVP-00000-00002/ l 7CUP-00000-00013, l 8GO V
Santa Barbara County OASIS Center; Case Nos. 14GPA-00000-00020, 16RMM-00000-00001, 16LLA-00000-00004, 16CUP-00000-00006, 16DVP-00000-00002/17CUP-00000-00013, 18GOV-00000-00005
Santa Barbara County OASIS Center; Case Nos. 14GPA-00000-00020/16RMM-00000-00001/16LA-00000-00004/16CUP-00000-00006/16DVP-00000-00002/17CUP-00000-00013