SCH Number 2017041042

Project Info

Beach Boulevard Specific Plan
This is a City-Initiated request to approve the Beach Blvd Specific Plan (BBSP) Project, which would guide future development of properties along Beach Blvd in the City of Anaheim. The BBSP establishes a community-driven vision for future development of this area. This vision is supported by new development standards, permitted and prohibited uses, design guidelines, sustainable practices, economic development incentives, and capital improvements that improve the quality of life for all future users of the corridor. *See NOD for full details.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Anaheim Americana Motel Property Removal Action Workplan
City of Anaheim 39 Commons Phase 2 (Retail Component)
City of Anaheim SEC Lincoln and Beach Project
City of Anaheim Beach Boulevard Specific Plan
City of Anaheim Beach Boulevard Specific Plan
City of Anaheim Beach Boulevard Specific Plan