SCH Number 2017032087

Project Info

Capital SouthEast Connector - D2 Expressway Project
The Capital South East Connector - D2 Expressway Project is a proposed access-controlled expressway located at the City of Rancho Cordova's southeastern boundary with Sacramento County. It would reconstruct Grant Line Road starting just north of the intersection of White Rock Road to the southern Project extent south of the intersection with Jackson Road. Key features of the Project include four 12-foot wide through lanes with turn lanes at intersections; shoulders (10 feet wide on the outside and 5 feet wide on the inside); median (32 to 36 feet wide); separated Class I multi-use bike path on west side of roadway; frontage roads, residential, access roads, or driveways where necessary to maintain existing access; undercrossings for pedestrian and bicycles and for wildlife; noise barriers and landscaping.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Capital SouthEast Connector Joint Powers Authority Grant Line Road Safety & Freight Mobility Project
Capital SouthEast Connector Joint Powers Authority Capital SouthEast Connector - D2 Expressway Project
California Department of Transportation, District 3 Capital SouthEast Connector - D2 Expressway Project
California Department of Transportation, District 3 Capital SouthEast Connector - D2 Expressway Project
California Department of Transportation, District 3 Capital SouthEast Connector - D2 Expressway Project
California Department of Transportation, District 3 Capital SouthEast Connector - D2 Expressway Project