SCH Number 2017021069
Project Info
- Title
- ENV-2016-273-MND
- Description
- The project involves the demolition of an 86,712 sf warehouse building, a 4,033 sf metal building, and portions of a 24,018 sf building and 3,521 sf building (constructed circa 1977, 1948, 1967 and 1929, respectively), and the construction of a mixed use development with 372 residential dwelling units and 40,000 sf of commercial floor area (comprised of 30,000 sf of creative office and 10,000 sf of retail space). The project would renovate a portion of the existing floor area for creative office space. The project would also serve 11% of its base density (approx. 31 dwelling units) as very low income housing and include a ministerial density bonus. The development would include five buildings spanning the property, with approx. 524,600 sf of floor area and a floor area ratio of 2,6:1, below the max FAR of 3:1. The proposed buildings would range in height from one to five stories, with a max building height of approx. 67 ft above grade, or 75 ft as measured by the LAMC. The project would provide a total of 467 on site parking spaces within one level of subterranean parking and at grade, and a total of 428 on site bicycle parking stalls. All 39 on site trees will be removed; a total of 241 trees are proposed, including roof areas and street trees. No fireplaces or wood stoves are proposed.
2 documents in project