SCH Number 2016122043

Project Info

Novato 2035 General Plan Update Draft EIR
The General Plan update identifies and prioritizes opportunities to preserve the character of the community, conserve natural resources, and direct land use policies that enable sustainable growth in Novato. Updates to the General Plan include changes to policies directing land use amendments, land use compatibility and development intensities, establishing impact thresholds for future development projects, and implementing programs focusing on the development of design guidelines and new zoning provisions. There are four focus areas that would result in land use and development intensity changes: Downtown, North Redwood Boulevard Corridor, North-North Redwood Boulevard Corridor, and the Northwest Quadrant Neighborhood. The update would also increasing the floor area ratio and maximum height available to biotechnology/life sciences campuses in the Hamilton and Ignacio Industrial Parks and update implementing ordinances addressing lighting, bee keeping, parking lot landscaping, tree replacement, wetland protection, solar facilities, and community gardens.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Novato 773, 775, & 777 San Marin - General Plan Amendments & Rezone
City of Novato Novato Housing Element - General Plan Amendments & Rezones
City of Novato Residential General Plan and Zoning Amendments
City of Novato Novato General Plan 2035
City of Novato Novato 2035 General Plan Update Draft EIR
City of Novato Novato General Plan 2035 Update