SCH Number 2016122028

Project Info

WITHDRAWN - Hammond Parcel Zoning Designation
Note: Project Withdrawn Per Lead Agency, until further notice. 01/06/17. The proposed project is a zoning designation for a previously un-zoned property. The property previoiusly belonged to the UPRR. The project applicant acquired the property and would like to create a zoning designation to allow for future development. The project applicant would like to separate the property into three parcels. Parcel A on the Northside of the property would be zoned for high density residential similar to the use across the street. Parcel B, due to the presence of a stream, wetlands, and high density vegetation is to be zoned for Open space to preserve the natural habitat. Parcel C would be zoned for general commercial.
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1 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Mount Shasta WITHDRAWN - Hammond Parcel Zoning Designation