SCH Number 2016121022

Project Info

Santee Mobility Element Update
On Oct. 25, 2017, the City adopted the Mobility Element (GPA2014-3) updating the City's existing Circulation Element, which was adopted in 2003, and certified PEIR. The Mobility Element is one of the mandated elements of the General Plan and its update would make it consistent with recent laws adopted by the State. The Mobility Element is a long-range policy document that would serve as a guide for future transportation improvements, such as those associated with development projects and the City's Capital Improvement Program. The Mobility Element details the various modes of travel that constitute the City's multimodal transportation network - pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicular - and sets forth policies and strategies that would meet the overarching goal of a balanced, interconnected multimodal transportation that allows for the efficient and safe movement of all people and goods, and supports the current and future needs of Santee community members and travel generated by planned land uses. This goal of a balanced multimodal transportation network represents a major shift in transportation policy from the current Circulation Element, providing a greater emphasis on non-automotive modes of transportation. The Mobility Element includes an update to the city wide traffic model with year 2035 projected average daily traffic volumes to better identify needed improvements to the City's transportation network that would further the goal and policies of the Mobility Element. The Mobility Element adopted by the City shows no extension of Mast Blvd between Los Ranchitos Road and the unincorporated community of Lakeside within the County of San Diego, consistent with the existing conditions.
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City of Santee Mobility Element
City of Santee Santee Mobility Element Update
City of Santee Santee Mobility Element Update