SCH Number 2016111009

Project Info

City of Visalia Active Transportation Plan
The purpose of the City of Visalia Active Transportation Plan is to identify projects that will increase non-motorized forms of transportation within the community and to help the city be more competitive in future applications for ATP funds. It will incorporate elements from the city's bikeway plan (which was last updated 5 years ago) and the Waterways and Trials Masterplan into a plan that will meet the 2017 active transportation guidelines that were adopted by California Transportation Commission. The document will be available to help guide the city towards implementing pedestrian and bicycling improvements that were identified through the document development process. That process included research into existing programs and capital improvements an analysis of the collected data, and a public outreach component. The ATP includes a comprehensive description of programs, policies, and recommendations regarding the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the vicinity of the City of Visalia. The ATP further includes diagrams of the proposed bicycle and pedestrian networks in fulfillment of its planned objectives, prioritization of improvements, and an implementation plan.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Visalia Adoption of the City of Visalia Active Transportation Plan
City of Visalia City of Visalia Active Transportation Plan