SCH Number 2016101058
Project Info
- Title
- Salinas Travel Center
- Description
- Annexation, Prezoning/Rezoning, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan, Parcel Map Site Plan Review for the proposed Salinas Travel Stop at the intersection of De La Torre Street and De La Torre Circle. The project site is located adjacent to the existing City of Salinas city limit within the city's Sphere of Influence and will entail annexation of approx. 64 acres. The proposed parcel map of would create four parcels. Proposed development on two parcels includes a 94-room hotel with pool area, a convenience store with attached branded fast food restaurant, automobile and truck fueling stations, and a mechanic's building. There are no specific development proposals for the other two parcels at this time; maximum development capacity per the existing General Plan General Industrial land use designation will be assumed for these two parcels.
2 documents in project