SCH Number 2016092028

Project Info

Draft EIR for the Washington Boulevard/Andora Bridge Improvement Project
The proposed project involves improvements along an approximately 1 .4-mile section of existing Washington Boulevard right-of-way in the City of Roseville. The project generally involves widening a 0.85-mile section of Washington Boulevard between Sawtell Road and Pleasant Grove Boulevard from two to four lanes and replacing the existing 100-year-old Washington Boulevard Andora Underpass beneath the Union Pacific Rail Road. The project also includes expansion of existing Class 1 bike/pedestrian multi-use trail facilities and related safety enhancements. The Project is currently planned for construction in 2 Phases. Phase 1 generally includes the majority of road widening (with the exception of at the Andora Underpass), most Class I (See continuation page) ...
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rialto Washington Boulevard Bikeway and Pedestrian Phase I Project
City of Roseville Washington Boulevard/Andora Bridge Improvement - Phase 1 (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0013-R2)
City of Roseville Washington Boulevard/Andora Bridge Improvement Project
City of Roseville Draft EIR for the Washington Boulevard/Andora Bridge Improvement Project
City of Roseville Washington Boulevard/Andora Widening Project