SCH Number 2016091043
Project Info
- Title
- DRAFT MND Santa Maria Airport Ditch Improvements Project
- Description
- CDFW has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0002-R5, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code, to the project Applicant: Santa Barbara County Flood Control District. Project, as proposed, is the reconstruction of the Santa Maria Airport Ditch, also known as the Waller-Skyway channel, between Autopark Dr. and Hagerman Dr. (currently named Airpark Drive). Project components include a combination of buried pipe and trapezoidal overflow channel along 2,300 linear feet of the channel. Approx. 225 cubic yards of soil will be excavated and graded from within the channel in order to place a 60-inch high-density-polyehtylene (HDPE) storm drain the length of the project area. The HDPE pipe will then be covered with backfill and compacted. This will be followed by construction over the buried HDPE pipe of an 8 to 16 foot wide by 2 to 3 foot high trapezoidal channel will outfall just upstream of the existing box culvert under Airpark Dr. Construction of the project will include 0.57 acre of non-native vegetation removal along the norths ide of the channel. At the conclusion of construction, this area will be restored through revegetation with native plants. Equipment used to complete this project will include an excavator, backhoe, compactor, loader, truck, and trailer.
2 documents in project