SCH Number 2016091003
Project Info
- Title
- The Lakes Specific Plan Project and Topgolf Facility
- Description
- The Lakes specific plan consists of the 26.6 acre area that currently comprises the Lakes at El Segundo. The SP would establish two subareas, with uses and development standards applicable to each subarea. The 3.6 acre SCE easement and 0.7 acre portion of the West Basin Municipal Water District property are part of the overall project, but are not a part of the proposed specific plan. The associated development project proposes to replace the existing driving range with a Topgolf facility on approximately 12 acres. Other improvements would include modifications to the fairways/layout of the existing golf course, parking lot expansion, screening pole installation, replacement of existing net poles, turf installation, and demolition/construction of a new clubhouse. In addition to the SP, proposed entitlements include a general plan amendment; general plan map amendment; zone change; zoning map change; zone text amendment; site plan; lot line adjustment and conditional use permit.
2 documents in project