SCH Number 2016072047

Project Info

North Tahoe Fire Hazardous Fuel Reduction and Defensible Space Project
The North Tahoe Fire Protection District (NTFPD) would conduct fuel reduction activities on up to 881 Conservancy-owned parcels located within and adjacent to residential subdivisions. The project is proposed to reduce the wildfire hazard for communities on the north and west shores of Lake Tahoe located within the NTFPD's jurisdictional boundary. The average parcel size is approx. 0.24 acres. These fuel reduction treatments would involve reducing hazardous densities and patterns of vegetation in the wildland-urban interface to modify fire behavior in the event of a wildfire in order to best protect homes and communities. Treatments would be implemented by hand crews supervised by the NTFPD and involve the removal of smaller trees and ladder fuels, using a "thin-from-below" approach that retains larger, healthy trees. Post-treatment, the parcels will reflect historic forest conditions and the reduced fuel loads would result in any wildfires burning at a lower intensity, providing an improved opportunity for the fire suppression.
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California Tahoe Conservancy North Tahoe Fire Hazardous Fuel Reduction and Defensible Space Project
California Tahoe Conservancy North Tahoe Fire Hazardous Fuel Reduction and Defensible Space Project