SCH Number 2016071004

Project Info

EIR2-16; RE Gaskell West Solar by Recurent Energy Gaskell West LLC
The project proponent is requesting; (a) Amendment to the Circulation Element of the Kern County General Plan Circulation Element to Eliminate road reservations along section and mid-section lines in Section 25, 26, 27, 33, and 34, T 9N/R16W, in zone maps 234, 234-25, 234-26,234-27 and 234-34; (b) Amend the boundaries of the Joshua Heights Specific Plan to remove the projet area from the proposed specific plan boundary; (c) five General Plan Amendment to designation from 4.3 (Specific Plan Required-Joshua Heights) to 8.5 (Resource Management) totaling 526.2 acres in zone map 234, 129 acres in zone map 234-25, 367.5 acres in zone map 234-26, 125.2 ares in zone map 234-27 and 320 acres in zone map 234-34; (d) five changes in zone classification from the existing zone district E (2.5) RS MH (Estate (2.5) - Residential Suburban Combining-Mobile Home Combing) to A (Exclusive Agriculture) on2 5 acres of the project site within zoning Map 234, 129 acres within zoning map 234-25, 367.5 acres within zone map 234-26, 125.2 acres within zone map 234-27 and 415.2 acres within zone map 234-34; (e) eight Conditional Use Permits to allow for the construction and operation of 125 megawatt solar photovoltaic electrical generating facility (Section 19.12.030.G) in an A District; (f) vacation of existing public access easements on the project site; (g) The project would be supported by a 220-kV gen-tie. The project's permanent facilities would include, service roads, a power collection system, communication cables, overhead and underground transmission lines, electrical switchyards, project substations, and operations and maintenance facilities.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County EIR2-16; RE Gaskell West Solar by Recurent Energy Gaskell West LLC
Kern County EIR2-16; RE Gaskell West Solar by Recurent Energy Gaskell West LLC
Kern County EIR2-16; RE Gaskell West Solar by Recurent Energy Gaskell West LLC