SCH Number 2016061014
Project Info
- Title
- Los Alamos Community Services District Well No. 6
- Description
- The proposed project involves drilling a groundwater well and constructing a pump house, on site treatment facilities, security fencing and landscaping on an approximately 816 sf site. The well would be drilled to a max depth of 1,000 ft below ground surface and would produce between 800 to 1,000 gallons per minute of water from the underlying San Antonio Creek Valley Groundwater Basin. Water from the proposed project would be tied into LACSD's existing water distribution system located under Centennial Street. The project would also include a water waste line, including dechlorination and an air gap, to the existing sewer line to the north under Leslie Street. The proposed project would supplement lost water production due to aging well casings and equipment from the existing LACSD Well No. 4.
2 documents in project